Septic Systems - Hemley's Septic Service Licensed, Bonded & Insured ​253-851-3432

Taking care of septic tanks is not all about ensuring the health surroundings, but the allowing your septic tank to overflow due to negligence can cause all sorts of pollution problems as well. It not only causes water contamination, but also causes a bad effect on the trees. It is also about saving your pocketbook. If you don’t want to bear the heavy expenses that are caused due to the poor working condition of septic systems, then keep in mind the things that never should go down to your toilets:

Dirt – We don’t understand the side effects of washing dirty pots in the sinks but the dirt builds up in pipes and cause slow draining.

Cotton swabs – They may seem small, but they are now biodegradable. They will stay in your tank for the next 100 years.

Kitty litter – It causes a clogged drain by adding some solid waste in your tank, which will require more frequent pumping.

Chemicals – Anything you put down on your toilet ends up in your leach field. Flushing chemicals to the drain can be harmful for the soil.

Tissues and paper towels – Tissues and paper towels are not toilet papers, they just look like them. They don’t breakdown easily and are known to cause problems.

We offer you the support and quality you need to make sure things run smoothly for years to come. We are ready to serve all your septic needs. Call us: 253-851-3432
